Dermal Filler
Reliable Dermal Filler Service in Cincinnati
A popular option for facial rejuvenation, a dermal filler in Cincinatti is perfect for adding volume and fullness to a thinning face. Involving no recovery time and being a non-invasive procedure, patients can fight signs of aging with ease. With time, our skin starts to succumb to signs of aging, lifestyle choices and gravity, and requires a little help from us to maintain or restore a youthful appearance. A board-certified physician with nearly 20 years of experience, Dr. Zimmerman uses safe, FDA-approved dermal fillers for the purpose. Familiar with how people seek quick, easy, and pain-free procedures, Absolute Face Bar administers natural-looking dermal fillers.
Smoothening away wrinkles, fine lines, and adding volume to your face, dermal fillers can augment your cheeks and chin. Whether you need smoother looking hands, chest, etc., we use a skillful approach to eliminate your skin problems. Aware of how "younger-looking," skin is sought-after, we add volume to your lips, soften the creases and given you the youthful look you desire. Rather than trying out surgical procedures with extended downtime, try out non-invasive procedures that leave you feeling younger – without any downtime.
Reverse the Signs of Aging with Dermal Fillers
Enhance and improve the symmetry in your facial features with a dermal filler in Cincinnati. Whether you want to eliminate vertical lip lines or restore volume to sunken temples and cheeks, we provide skin treatments that are customized for you. By using advanced facial mapping, Dr. Zimmerman gets more of an understanding of your specific concerns. If all your face reflects is age, tiredness, and lack of rest, then it’s time to reverse these signs. Dermal fillers don't just uplift your face, they give your skin its baby-like texture back.
Falling back on her experience and her understanding of both women’s and men’s skin, Dr. Zimmerman uses her knowledge to help those seek her out. Creating extremely natural-looking results, you won’t have to worry about your features looking exaggerated. Free to return to your routine in no time, dermal fillers require no downtime. With slight swelling and redness around the injection area, you leave our clinic looking younger than ever.